1. The age you will be on your next birthday.
2. A place I would LOVE to visit. ( Hawaii)
3.A favorite place to be. I am going to have to agree with Leann on this one. Potters is a great place...

4. Favorite Food

5. Favorite Animal. I have recently really like penguins... Yeah I know... maybe its because they live in the field next to our house...

6.Favorite Color

7.The town you were born in. Logan Utah....

8.Name of a past Pet.

9.Name of a past love Pleading the fifth....
10. Your first name

11. A bad habit... I am a HORRIBLE house keeper.....

12. First Job: Sunshine enterprises with my dad.

13. Grandmother's name

14. College MajorL Child life Specialist

that's kinda cool!
I played too.
Pleading the 5th, hmmmm?
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