My Bloggy friend over at Preemie experiment wrote a blog about feeling settled in the life of our children. She was asking if other people were feeling "settled" and what our thoughts are on the subject and I thought it was a though provoking entry.
I realized after reading her entry I am at peace. Maybe not all the time but for right now yes. I am at peace. I am settled in. I know that life is what it is. I don't think of every day as a trial or even as hard.
When something new is thrown at us I don't freak out near like I use to. I don't find the sadness in near as many things. I have no problem finding a doctor that I like and that I can work with. I don't mind going someplace else to get the care I think Ty deserves. I don't mind them. Do I love them? Not really. But I don't mind. I do them and I feel OK about them.
I guess that is the thing. Being settled is relative to what you do. It is relative to what is going on.
"True peace is found in this moment. Acceptance is the 1st step to inner calm." Author Unknown
Feeling settled and happy in the "now" is hard in today's society! It's a constant "keeping up with the Jones' " world. We compare houses and cars and children. Everyone needs to be better and have better than everyone else.
I too, try to just stop and enjoy what I have now. I try to remember that many people would (and have) died for what I take for granted.
Okay, so maybe this went a little left field from your blog subject, but I think about it often! :)
I am trying hard to re-evaluate what being "settled" means to me. I think that if we weren't dealing with the mental health component, I would be more at peace. I sure am trying though!
Sending hugs your way Nancy!
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