Sunday, December 9, 2007

Poison control... and other sad tales.

Oh what a weekend!! I will need another day off just to recover. Guess you could say we are in for a long ride with Ty and his antics.

Friday Dallas had the day off so I stayed at work till about 5:30 am. Got in a few extra hours for the holidays. It was nice to be able to sleep and feel rested. I got up and sent Dallas out for some alone time. TRUST ME ... with Ty you need to get out and hear nothing for just a few minutes. When he got back we went grocery shopping. That in itself is a chore.

The night ended pretty uneventful. Bed was welcoming and inviting so off I went into dreamland. Waking up at about 3 not feeling well. I was sick to my stomach and Ty was crying. I went and got him back to sleep. He slept in( which RARELY happens.) and from the time he got up the room was spinning. I feed him breakfast and fell fast asleep on the floor. I woke up and went back into bed.

I had to take the day off to try and feel better and so I slept most of the day. While I was in the front room Ty started screaming. I ran into the room to find him gagging and trying to throw up. I looked around and there were Germicidal wipes from the NICU on the floor and one in his hand. He had gotten into the bucket and sucked on them. I of course freak out. Knowing that it kills EVERYTHING was imagining all these horrible thoughts of Ty getting super sick and a stay at PCH. Got him calmed down and called Poison control.

They said the ingredients in it would irriate his tummy and his throat and maybe leave a rash in his mouth but to try and get him to drink something. We gave him milk and juice and then something to eat. He had a restless night but finally settled and and seems fine this morning.

So for the other sad tales. During the night Dallas cooked a wonderful meal while I emptied the dishwasher. The night before a plate had broken in the washer so I was trying to fish out the pieces. Low and behold a piece pierced my finger and cut it open. It is a nice long deep cut in the worst possible place to heal or stayed closed.

Oh and to make matters worse. Whenever I go to sleep before D he has to wear ear plugs. How sad is that? Ok he does it becuase I have a weird breathing thing I do at night that makes it hard for him to sleep. He sure looks cute wearing his ear plugs...


Leeann said...

LOL! I'm super glad that I am not the only Mommy with hellish weekend antics. :)

Anonymous said...

Whatta weekend..Glad that Ty is ok, I can't imagine how scary that had to have felt..About the ear plugs, we stayed at my parents house for a month or so and I was all worried about Kellar keeping my parents up ( he to had weird sleeping habits ) and not long ago I was like "well I know you and dad didn't get any sleep when Kellar was sick b/c he was up all night long crying" and my mom said "girl please your dad slept like a log, I looked over at him one night and he had something orange hanging out of his ear and it was ear plugs"..I still crack up thinking about it..Hows your finger?

Crystal said...

I have to agree with Leeann. I have to admit that I have had to call poison control before. Talk about smashing my "Mom Confidence"! But I'm glad he's ok.

P.S. There is an award waiting for you over at memoirsofamommyblog.