Makes you wonder if this child has parents huh. He didn't get into the street!!! I promise!! It is true that he crawls around in the rocks just to get to a place where he can stand up and throw them.We have no idea if he can feel that they hurt or not. He walks the rocks over to us so we can help him. He loves throwing rocks. I feel bad for our neighbors and their windows!!!!
he really enjoys it. ;-)
what a cutie!! You are so blessed.
He is so handsome! I miss him! He is growing up so much. I'm afraid that when I go down there, he won't know who I am :(
Like throwing rocks myself when I was his age! Good WW to you!
I've had a few rock throwers myself. Great shots.
Wow, 25 weeks, my preemie was 28 weeks. He is now 6! I cannot believe it!!! Great Photos!! Happy Thanksgiving!
Nice post! Happy Wordless Wednesday! Happy Thanksgiving too! I cant believe the holiday season is here! This weekend we will put up all our Christmas decor, and listen to Christmas music! Have a good Holiday!
Looks like he's having a blast! :)
My WW is up too!
Hehe what a cutie!! Happy WW :P
Oh How I Miss Him! And YOU!
Mom Brown
What a beautiful boy! Happy Thanksgiving!
Don't you just love boys:) He's looking great!
So cute! Just wanted you to know I added you to my blog roll. Thanks for all your help on Preemie Mom Blogs!
-Stephanie, mom to Serena and Edwin, Jr. 23 week twins
Rock throwing.
*smile* He is really a cute kiddo, ya know that?
I'm glad to know he is doing so well.
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