Bubba still wears shorts and I still wear capri's. Dallas would prefer to wear shorts even in the dead of winter so this is great for him. It makes the depression when it gets gray and cold a thing of the past. Makes me so happy. Oh and did I mention the sunsets...WOW
Today was one of the few days that I work in the day time. It was such a eye opener to see just how CRAZY people get. For those who don't know I work at the nations largest and most hated retail store. People are just NUTS there. It is true though that you do have to wait in endless long lines while there are 10 or 15 that are just empty. I am also that HATED person that you have to wait for in order to get help when your cashier messes up. YEP.. that is me. With the holidays approaching I can't even begin to tell you how rude these wonderful customers are. I have been yelled at so many times today. My real thought... if you don't like that there are lines, GO APPLY and get a job there. That way you don't have to wait so long. ( ok rant over)Oh, and I was helping make cakes today.. Yep you read right. They were having ME decorate cakes. It was a sad sight. I felt bad for the owners of the first cake. It had about 2 pounds of frosting... Good times.
Today Dallas was a stay at home dad to bubba. After I had been overwhelmingly busy at work and I was in a total scan and bag type moods ( read above to find out why I was on a register...... and people had to wait a LONG TIME for the key) I heard my name and looked over and saw the two most handsome men in my life. Well in the whole world actually. Dallas and Ty came so I could see them and go on my break with them. I loved seeing them and they always make me smile. When I got home, I had a bathed child, happy as could be walking back and forth and throwing a ball and laughing. AND Dallas had made zuchinni bread. It was so good.
Anyway, those are my horribly random thoughts. It is so good to be home with Dallas and I LOVED rocking Ty to sleep tonight. What a great day!!
1 comment:
I am so sorry for all of my complaining of THAT store. Open mouth, insert foot. Yikes! :)
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