Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

We did a trunk or treat tonight. Ty had so much fun..

For more WW go to HERE and HERE!!!!


Anonymous said...

Love his hair! Happy Ww to you...

Anonymous said...

he looks so cute!!!! growing up so much! I love him so much!

Natalie said...

Oh how fun! I wish our church did one of those, but we're spread out too far I guess. Happy Halloween!

Joyismygoal said...

great hair day

Joyful Days said...

Oh that he is a real cutie!

Anonymous said...

aww--and what a smart guy to brush afterward! Happy Halloween.

Half a Dozen said...

So cute! Love his costume. Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

beautiful photos!

Amazing Gracie said...

My first visit - your little guy is certainly a sweetie in his own right!
You're right - I wouldn't want to meet those bozos in an alley, either! Criminey! What people will do to themselves.

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

oh what a handsome little fellow >he has done so well for a premmie.

Anonymous said...

aww those are so cute. ^^ Happy WW!

Tammy said...

What a cutie. He is getting so big. I love the one where he is brushing his teeth.


D. Renee Bagby said...

this is obviously fake. kids don't brush their teeth. next thing you're going to tell me he eats his veggies and goes to bed on time too. ;P

Happy Samhain.

Kellan said...

He is just adorable and so are those precious photos - that one brushing his teeth is too cute. Have a good Halloween.

Rene Perez said...

Oh my gosh! LOL How cute! I love the picture of him in the sink!! Excuse all the !!!!!!s but how really adorable! The hair is great!

Anonymous said...

Love the feet in the sink. you have to be really young to get away with that.

Queen of My Domain said...

What a cutie pie. He is to cute brushing his teeth after all that candy.

Anonymous said...

Very cute.

dearjenn said...

The best part- brushing his teeth! Too cute!

Leeann said...

I absolutely LOVE his hair!

Denise said...

Soooo Cute!!! Love his costume!

Unknown said...

Love the hair!! He's such a cutie!!!

liz.mccarthy said...

What a cutie, love his hair too! Too sweet!

Billie said...

So adorable and creative! He's so cute!