Thursday, November 1, 2007

Thursday 13

Thirteen Things Prematurity!!

1. NOVEMBER is Prematurity awareness Month.
2. More than 1400 babies in the USA will be born prematurely.
3. The rate of premature births has increased 30 percent from 1984 to 2004.
4. Over half of the disabilities in children are directly related to premature births.
5. In nearly 40 percent on premature births there is no known cause.
6. Recent studies suggest 4 main routes or reason for premature births. They include ( but are NOT limited to) Bleeding ( placenta abruption and any bleeding stimulates contractions) Infection ( either of the uterus or of the even as simple as a UTI) Maternal or fetal stress, and stretching of the uterus ( usually of more than one baby)
7. There are certain women who are at risk to deliver preterm infants... Including moms who have had preterm infants, pregnant with multiples and women who have some abnormality of the uterus or cervix.
8. Certain medical risks have been identified as risk factors for women. Those include: Urinary tract infections, vaginal infections, sexually transmitted infections and possibly other infections, diabetes, high blood pressure, clotting disorders, vaginal bleeding, certain birth defects of the baby, being pregnant with a single fetus after IVF, being under or overweight before pregnancy and short times between pregnancies ( less than 6-9 months between birth and the beginning of the next pregnancy)
9. There are many complications to the baby when they are born preterm. Including Respiratory distress syndrome ( serious breathing issues before 34 weeks),Bleeding in the brain ( usually seen in infants born before 32 weeks), Patent ductus arteriosis( or PDA a heart defect that requires medication or surgery to fix), NEC or the dying of the bowels, and ROP which is retionopathy of prematurity. This condition can lead to blindness.
10. There is a large economic strain with this many preterm infants. The care of a preterm infant can easily reach into the MILLIONS!!
11. Long term problems are very common and include things like cerebral palsy, ADHD, Sensory issues, feeding issue, growth problems, Social problems.
12. Long term medical issues include ( but not limited to) Vision issues including blindness, hydrocephalus, g-tubes, hearing loss and multiple surgeries.
13. Last but not least... They are the babies of moms who work hard. These moms and dads are raising little heroes who have been through hell and back to stay here on earth. Lots of dreams are lost and the reality of hardship is very real. During this month of prematurity awareness.... Lets remember the little ones....

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!


Denise said...

Good List Nancy. Great start to your 30 days of Preemie! Happy National Prematurity Month!
(Sad I know but it is our life) HUGS

ThePreemie Experiment said...

Nice way to kick out off the month Nancy. I'm still deciding how to handle this months posts. I'd love to do one with you though.

Leeann said...

Me. crying.