Thursday, October 18, 2007

Thursday 13

Thirteen Things I learned from my mom(s) and being a mom!!

1. You love your children more than life itself. When we had Tyler one comment Dallas made was that he didn't' realize till there was a chance we would lose our little man that he loved him more than anything.
2. You will have quiet time when you start the dishes. My mom to this day STILL has no dishwasher. But...even as adults when it is time to start the dishes we all seem to disappear. My mom says that it is her time to think.I still think I would die if I didn't have a dishwasher.
3. You are only as happy as your saddest Child. During the last few years I have seen my mom and my mom in law look at their children. When one is sad they can't not be there for them. I know when I have a sick baby... I am so sad for him. What a act of love that is as a mom.
4. The needs of each child come before your own. there were many times my mom went without just so I could have something that I wanted. I also find myself asking what does Tyler need or .. oh he would really like that. I am sure I get that from my mom.
5. You never stop being a mom. I have told the story before of when my mom stepped in to hold Ty while they poked him. There was another time that she came running. Right before I was being released from the hospital after having Tyler, the Doc came in to check my incision. As most of you know I had blood clots under the incsion. The doc pulled out the staples and then pulled open my wound. I was screaming and crying and in busts my mom. I am sure she was on a dead run. She said she heard me screaming. I was so glad to have her there.
6. No matter what you children do you will forgive and continue to love them. She has said many times I won't understand till I am a mom. I can't think of one thing that Tyler could do that would make me stop loving him.
7. All you have to do is ask... Mom will be there if she can. After I had Ty I asked my mom to come up. I was lonely and just wanted my mom. She came right up and stayed with me in the hospital. I was so thankful for that. There was also a few times that My "other" mom got phone calls when I just couldn't do it anymore. One time I called because we were in the ER and Ty was VERY sick. He needed a shunt and Dallas and I were both exhausted. I was so uptight and nervous that I had to take a anxiety pill and Dallas was so exhausted that she was able to stay with Ty while we took a small nap. Another time.. she came running when I had a nervous breakdown after his last skull reconstruction. I couldn't do it anymore and she came when I REALLY needed her.
8. Patience are tested everyday. Need I say more. Ty is so exhausting. In fact today was one of those try my patience. It isn't his fault. He has been given a lot of trials of his own, but that doesn't mean that last nerve isn't tried.
9. Grandma's are the luckiest type of mom. They can spoil and send them home. They are also the proudest thing in the entire world. We can't wait for a long weekend visit from Grandma Labrum and look forward to grandma Brown coming. Grandma's also get to be spoiled because they get to just sit and rock babies. They don't worry if the moms don't want them to!!!
10. Prayer goes a long way. I can't remember a time that My mom didn't pray for each of us. I know that the Browns pray for each of their kids. The best example is the one that was silently set.
11. Sorrow is felt when one goes a stray. Need I say more!!
12. Making good choices makes a mom so happy. I loved seeing the joy on each of my moms face when we were sealed for time and all eternity. It was pure joy.. and we learned it from our moms.
13. There is no great calling in the whole world than to be someones mother. No job can pay enough. The joy I feel when I look into his face and the love he has for me is totally priceless.

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Leeann said...

Dang. I like your list better. Thanks.

:) Everything is so completely true.

Crystal said...

Mom's sure are wonderful aren't they!!!

Sarah said...

first time visitor. I loved this post!

You are lucky to have such a loving mother!

Lisa M. said...


I loved this- thank you-

They are all true, and it is just neat-o to see inside your heart.