Thursday, October 25, 2007

Thirteen Favorite Memories

1. I was so glad to get out of High school. A great memory was spending all night in the Grant's cabin. It was great.
2. Junior Prom. Promenade was so much fun and Heath was one of my best friends. It was so much fun. I went with Brad W. and I loved my dress.
3. Going through the temple in Manti. It was Gorgeous and very few people. It was so amazing.
4. Going on my mission and realizing the things I was sharing with people I truly believed. It was such an eye opening experience. The day we pulled into South Bend and I saw that valley I KNEW I loved the area and I truly loved the people. Sometimes at night I think of them and the roads. But most of all I loved the way I felt.
5. Meeting Dallas. Our first "date" was the library. I was in scrubs, my hair was in a pony tail and I don't even know if I had on makeup. I felt something different about him. I have NO idea how he dared come back. But he did and I am glad.
6. Our Wedding. It was a day of so many emotions. When I came walking down the isle with my dad and I saw D and he had tears in his eyes I of course was crying. But I knew then he was my best friend. I have never been happier and fall in love with him EVERYDAY!
7. Hearing Ty's heartbeat for the first time. I never thought I would get the amazing calling of being a mom. And there on the screen was this heartbeat. We called him Baby Bean.
8. After many scares of miscarrying we went in for many many ultrasounds because I was bleeding. Seeing that little bean on ultrasound was such a memory.
9. Meeting my son for the first time. I couldn't see him because I didn't have glasses or my contacts ( they made me throw away my contacts when I went into surgery). All I could see was a box and everyone crying and me trying to be brave as they gave him a blessing. But, I knew he was mine and he was special.
10. The first time I saw my baby. He made me a mom and he was so tiny and so special. He was VERY brave.
11. The first night after Dallas and I had Tyler I was in another hospital from Tyler and Dallas was there with me. The nurse brought me juice and cookies and talked to us. She said she had never seen a couple so in love and that this would either break or make our marriage. We laid in my hospital bed together and we cried. We laughed, we smiled. We came to understand each others needs and it was just what I needed. It created such a memory. I remember it like yesterday.
12. My teddy bear. Dallas bought me the softest and squishiest teddy bear. He brought it the morning after our first night together. It was something for me to hold while I couldn't hold my baby. I slept with it every night till that little man was home and D didn't even mind. It was his thoughtfullness that made a wonderful memory for me.
13. The day we were sealed for time and all eternity. Ty had been in shunt malfunction for one full month. All he did was cry. I was going CRAZY. He had brain surgery to fix it 4 days before Dallas went through the temple and one week after his surgery we were sealed for ETERNITY. Ty was so cute in his little suit and he was so good. He sat there with my mom and looked at everyone watching him. I will never forget that day. Sitting in the Celestial room with Dallas, knowing we had one more up there and having our miracle with us is something I will NEVER forget.
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Leeann said...

You make me cry.

Jenny Krueger said...

That's so sweet. Oh I added more to my "going home" post if you want to read it.

Joyful Days said...

Really wonderful & sweet. Loved to read your TT!

A Juggling Mum said...

Great list, you have brought a tear to my eye!

Thanks for visiting my blog :)

See you next week,

Rachel xxx
A Juggling Mum