Monday, October 22, 2007

Repeat Ultrasound... and it's a ..............

So I few weeks ago I posted about my ultrasound. Well, we had a repeat one. I had to go in a few weeks ago because I was having some Major pains and the depo lupron was highly recommended. I brought the prescription home and in my naive way I really thought all of this would go away.

Fast forward to today. I go in for an ultrasound ( which I would like to know HOW it is possible to drink a full 32 oz of water that early) Anyway, I go back with the tech and she lubes up my lovely huge battle wound. As she starts hers exam she measures a few things and then moves to the ovaries. The right ovary is looking OK. So the small cyst that was there was gone. I breathed a little deeper. She moved over to the left ovary and there on the screen was a LARGE mass. Last measurement was just over 3 cm and they were wondering if it was because I was ovulating. I am NOT ovulating right now and it is a MASSIVE 5.6 cm. So it is getting bigger. It is getting bigger fast.

So the answer to the problem.... I guess we will be doing depo lupron and some extra estrogen to combat the nasty side effects. And the worst part, because it is so large they have to remove it.( I guess I will join the ranks of ALL the Labrums who have had surgery this year) That makes another "risk factor" since this one is to big to do laproscopically so they get to reopen that horrible scar on my stomach.

We have a presurgical consult in November and we will have to decide what and when to do it. Because of where I work it I don't want to be rushed back to work and I wanted to be healthy to have a weekend with him away. So, when we know when, we will need lots of visitors. We will try and make it in the coldest time of Utah weather so all the moms will want to come and visit.

So that is our blah news for the week... I hope it only gets better from here.


Anonymous said...

why do the MOMS get to come? what about the favorite Aunt Nicky? Come on, you know Ty misses Aunt Nicky! I would LOVE to come help out. I have helped with your wounds before, I'll do it again! And at least this time, I can play between! :) AND, welcome to the year of the Labrum surgeries!

Tammy said...

Maybe by then I can take a vacation even if it is to go and take care of another person. Just add your name to my list! Maybe I should have a surgery. I think I am the only one who has not had anything in the last year. I did have a baby, but I was up and going a few days afterward. So what should I have surgery on. How about having my tubes tied, do you get to have a few days off with that. I am not making light of your situation I am actually quite jealous of the break just not the circumstances that you will be in.

Leeann said...

I'm so sorry! That is horrible that you have to go through surgery! Keep your head up! I am thinking of you!

Crystal said...

Wow Nancy, I'm so sorry. This really stinks. I hope your pain is eased.

Denise said...

Nancy, wow! I hope that you'll be able to get it taken care of and it wont be so painful. I've been there unfortunately so you are right you will need some help. I'll be praying for you hon! HUGS, Denise

3 good eggs said...

Sorry to hear about your cyst. I have had so many I dont even know how many anymore. And yahoo for you on the Lupron. I cant do lupron anymore. I hated Lupron. Been on it so many times I have lost count. I have endo as well and had my right ovary removed because of a monster cyst 10 years ago. I hope the surgery eases your pain, I know after I have surgery things get better. Good luck!!

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