The 15th was my Aunt Linda's birthday. I wanted to tell everyone just a little about her.I am Lucky because I have 2 aunt Linda's. But this particular Aunt Linda... well, she is special. Here is a little about her.
* When I was "younger" I thought it was way cool to go to her "apartment" in Salt Lake. I couldn't wait to be "big" and get my own and live this fun exciting life that all single people do. ( I found it wasn't as exciting as I thought but she was still way cool)
* I couldn't wait to get older to get to spend my "weekend" with her like Tammy and Kristi did. Like I said, Aunt Linda was cool
* Every birthday for as long as I could remember I would get a card from Linda in the mail. She would NEVER forget my birthday. Even through rough times of her own she never forgot. I looked forward to those cards every year. I still do. This years card was particularly a good one and brought a smile to my face.
* She loves all of her nieces and Nephews as her own. She hasn't had the chance to have her own kids but has "adopted" many of us and even a few "grand kids" thanks to Aunt Donna.
* She is loving and caring and I was so excited to see her come back to the church. What a life changing experience for anyone.
* She always had to go to the bathroom right after dinner... Just like me!! I know it wasn't to get out of the dishes *wink wink* sometimes a girl just has to go!!
* She came to Tyler's first birthday. She didn't forget and I will never forget the look of love that she had for him. I regret not calling more when I lived in Salt Lake for her to come and see Ty so she would get that chance.
Happy Birthday Aunt Linda. I hope that the rest of the birthday week is good for you and you know how much your cards and calls on Christmas and birthdays meant. I loved to be able to tell you what I got for Christmas ( and I am sure you didn't care as much as I cared to tell) that is what makes you so special. You did care and you did call. You sent the cards. But most important and my absolute priceless memory is the look of love that you gave. Thank you for loving me and loving my little man.
Happy Birthday!!
We do have a cool Aunt Linda! She sends us Chocolate on our birthday! We always got homemade presents for christmas, like those teddy bears. She really does care so much for all of us and she lets us know how much she loves us. She is so great! I love Aunt LINNA!
Happy Birthday Aunt Linda!
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