I am sick. Not just a little but A LOT. I take time off work and feel better the next day because I got like 12 hours of sleep and then I go to work and the next day I am miserable.
Yesterday was miserable. So I decided to skip work last night and I slept ( with drugs) and when I woke up I was coughing so much I was bleeding. So, off to the urgent care for me. Dallas stayed with Ty and I was able to get into urgent care. I thought they opened at 7 but it was 8. So I waited in the parking lot till 8. Then I got in pretty quick.
Seems I have bronchitis. I have some nasty coughing spells and so I have meds for them both. Frankly, my bed just really wants me to be in it..
We are going out on a date tonight and we are going to the greek festival. I plan to sleep a lot today since I am feeling much better. Better to get my strength up now.
Too bad Mommies don't get sick days!
Also, check out my blog. Award there for you.
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