Only 2 places I have ever been have had the spirit of what I can only imagine heaven to be like. One is the Temple. It is calm, Serene and built with the finest workmanship on earth. No expense is spared when building a house to the Lord. When we were sealed as a family for Time and all eternity NOTHING could have made me feel closer to my Heavenly Father. Watching Tyler come in the room all big eyed made Heaven almost touchable. What a amazing experience. Something I know I can feel every time I go back.
But there is a second place. A place that is unknown to a lot of people. It is like its own little secret. When you finally find that place you walk around in awe at what you see.
We first visited this place last year. The spirit when you walk in is almost overwhelming. It is a place of healing. It is a place of absolute service. For those who have experienced the Shriner's hospital know exactly what I am talking about.
Shriner's is my other Heaven on Earth. We attended a "shrine clinic" as it is commonly referred to here in the Valley. The same spirit exists there that is at the hospital.
When we got to the door of the office building it is held in a man in his Shriner's hat opens the door. Another man is waiting to escort you into the elevator. Another man rides with you to the third floor and another man is there to help you off the elevator. The check in is women volunteers and a Shriner man. The waiting room is filled with Clowns, face painters and special kids. Most with SEVERE disabilities. Some with mild and all with a parent or guardian that is so thankful that these people exist.
The smile on some of those special kids is priceless as they leave the hall after receiving their first walker, wheelchair or AFO's and are, for the first time, feeling their first flight of freedom.
Ty did really well there today. I was so proud of him. He spent the waiting time walking up and down the waiting room ( don't worry it was large) watching the people, avoiding the clowns and winning over the hearts of every girl in the place. He pushed his stroller back and forth making everyone watching VERY tired.
The visit went well. The Doc we saw was from Salt Lake City and knew our FAVORITE doctor Marissa in Utah. He looked at Tyler and we are getting AFO's for his feet. We Will be casting for them next week. Tyler will be in them for only a short time but it should help his heel muscles and his funny walking. ( he walks heel toe instead of toe heel)
On a better and more exciting note. Tyler can stand on his own and has made several attempts ( with succeeding) in taking steps. He is on his way to being more destructive than he already is and we couldn't be happier.
Also, Ty was NOT a fan of the clowns that were there to entertain the children. He would look at them and when they came close walk around his stroller and want me to pick him up till the clown walked away. It was great.
Ty has discovered the new word NO, avoids the word Dad for some unknown reason and can tell you he loves you, blows kisses, tells you what a duck says and most recent a Dog. He hates clothes ans will take them off at any given time. He is growing fast and we are so proud of him. What a spirit these special kids are.
Also, Thanks to Grandma Brown for the new clothes for his bday. In the following pictures are one of his new outfits. They are 24 months ( I know he is big!!) but the pants are adjustable waist for our skinny fart!! Thank you!!

Thank you to all who contribute to this wonderful organization. I have and will continue to suport them. I hope in the future if anyone gets the chance to feel of the spirit of Shriner's they will appreciate the spirit of service and giving that I have felt.
Glad the appt went well..I have to admit that clown looks pretty freaky to me too..haha...especially the pic with his back to ya, made me shiver myself..
he's growing up too much!!! I miss him so much! Can't wait until you guys come back to UT! The clown scares me too! The temple was so pretty when we went, such nice weather..
I felt that same feeling at Shriners. Almost identical.
It is quite awing.
I am glad you found it. Great about the AFO's.
Are they actually going to make them, or send them to Cascade.
They work, the AFO's.
They usually give you shoes to go with them, at least they did Eth.
*very big smile*
Yes, thank you- to those of you who work, help and contribute.
It's remarkable.
I came across your page because of WW. I kept reading your page because of your preemie. What a beautiful child! We, too, had a preemie (but NOTHING like your baby!) 5 weeks early.
We, also, got sealed in the Temple (Salt Lake) with our preemie baby (and her 2 older sisters). Your description of that day mirrors mine. I look forward to more blogs from you! I'll definetly be back to read them!
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