The Holiday Season was really REALLY tough. We were blessed with a few amazing Angels. We met an amazing lady named Jen who brought the boys Christmas. She was truly amazing. She was kind, generous and caring. I was humbled. She helped provide one of the best Christmas. Dallas and I enjoyed watching the boys with all of their stuff. We were very blessed and can't wait to give back next year.

One good thing about our kids age is that they don't know when something hard happens. They had a great time. They were loving every second of Santa and the magic of Christmas.

It was honestly MAGICAL!!!!
School Started up again. I am in my LAST 2.5 semesters!! Then on to my masters so I can get a job. Yes... MORE school. I want to get a job that will pay me enough to make all of this worth it. Everything is lined up and with Grayson going to kindergarten next year, I have lots more time on my hands.

New years was a AMAZING!! We belong to a Great Charity called Hope Kids. It gives us the chance to do things we normally wouldn't be able to do. Usually it is handicapped friendly and usually they have activities that we take the boys to. But this time we went alone. It has kind of become our tradition to go to the Fiesta bowl. Lucky for me, this year was my favorite team. We had pretty ok seats. We never know where we are going to be. One year we were close another far.. this year was pretty far. And sadly they got spanked.

We have continued doing therapy since Tyler had his surgery in May. I can't believe how amazing he is doing. He looks SOOO good. He is much stronger and much better at walking than he was. I am pretty happy that we did the surgery. We had been going to Phoenix Children's for his therapy 2-3 times a week. He had to leave school at 2 and we would be gone until 5 or six. It was SOO expensive but we were able to switch to the local East Valley location. Given that we had no job, I was So thankful. The thing is, I feel so so guilty not taking him to therapy. I agreed to rehabilitate him to the best of my ability. Which meant it is about him.. not me.

We are doing Kenetic taping on his arms and abdomen to help him engage a few muscles. We will also be doing some botox and most likely some phenol in his bum muscle ( I can't remember the name but if we can do it we will see A LOT less crouching) and just the normal ankle stuff. He looks REALLY good.
We still see his orthopedic doctor and have an appointment in May to see her. I am avoiding her suggestion ( that isn't a suggestion, but I am smiling and cringing... Sorry Dr. Emily) and trying to avoid taking out his hardware. The only issue we see right now is that the foot with the bone work might need a redo.

Grayson is such a trooper at coming with us. He has been doing this for so long that I don't think he would know what to do if we didn't have a million appointments to go to. He has really enjoyed this new therapy place. But he has also earned getting some new toys to build a city. Overall we have just been SO proud of him.

We participated in the pinewood derby with the Scouts. Tyler LOVES it. However he doesn't care for the actually making of the car much. But I must say, I am getting pretty good at making cars. Dallas started his new job around the time of the derby so I worked extra hard at doing it. Thankfully Grandpa rescued mom. I broke the first Derby car and grandpa had already mailed off a precut car and an extra car for Grayson. He also included some killer stickers. We found some killer stickers for Tyler's and we were all set. We won 2 times, but overall we didn't win a thing. Other than Tyler getting a little medal he was the happiest kid in the world.

Ty just wanted a red car and racing flames and I did my best.
We had a huge fight wit SSI and I will leave that to another post. It deserves it!
Grayson and Tyler got Shaggier and Shaggier but Grayson and I really stepped up our cool mom game. Grayson wants a baby sister so bad he can almost steal one. He carried around a baby for DAYS and will still randomly pick up his baby monkey and play house for HOURS!

This was when Tyler got SUPER sick with Influenza A WEEK before spring break. It was rough.
But Grayson plays a great doctor and he IS optimus prime.. but it was a LONG month of March.

See Grayson's HAIR!! Oh my gosh he was hairy!

Tyler was VERY sick. He laid on the couch for a few days. He had a lot of brain activity and it was just REALLY long.
And then Grayson got Influenza A..... yes. The WEEK of the start of spring break. It was bad.

But right before, we went to a new salon that does sensory hair cuts for kids with special needs. Not one tear was shed by the boys. ( It will get it's own post too!)

That is what we are doing so far. I am pretty much caught up. And the rest of the fun stuff we were doing deserve their own post. So up next is a few video's of Tyler and how well he looks walking and running. He was even playing baseball last week!
Things are going good. We are going to make it! And we are really having a good time. Things are going good and we are loving how things are.
More to com soon!