On Saturday we had Tyler's party. He was SO excited. He talked about his birthday LITERALLY all week. He has never talked for any other holiday so we really made sure that he understood. He totally got it.
A little bit before his birthday my former mission companion, Amber, and her twin sister Robin said they wanted to get Tyler a gift. They came to visit Tyler in August. They adore him and he loves them. The only thing I could think of was some Mickey Mouse Ears. Amber said she had the perfect idea and then she texted and said she had overnighted a package for Tyler.
Saturday it arrived in True Amber fashion. Cute and red with Mickey Mouse EVERYWHERE!
Dallas helped Tyler open the package and the whole time he kept saying " Oh my goodness!" It was super cute. I wish I had pressed record. He kept asking Dallas to " open Dad-e" and he waited, SUPER excited. Inside was the cutest Mickey Mouse ears. He was SOOOOO happy!

He kept really still so he didn't make the ears come off. He would dance around and say " Oh my goodness, Oh my goodness!"

He kept really still so he didn't make the ears come off. He would dance around and say " Oh my goodness, Oh my goodness!"
He got a SIGNED Mickey Mouse postcard RIGHT from Mickey Mouse himself. Amber and Robin told Mickey Mouse about how much of a Miracle Tyler was and so Tyler became the recipient of a post card.
He got a few other goodies including Mickey Mouse clothes and some Birthday pins that he wore all day.
He had such a great time opening the box from them. He was so proud of his new hat and wanted to look in the mirror.

We ended the day with family coming over for a little party. All his cousins that live in Utah were here and we horribly missed Max and Morgan and can't WAIT till we have a birthday with them ( in a YEAR!!) It meant a lot to Dallas and I that people came.
Tyler also had Erin and Issac over. Issac is the little brother of the cutest little Angel Girlfriend a little boy could have. We were VERY thankful that Erin and Bryce are a part of our family. Though we don't get together near enough, we LOVED having them there. Issac helped Tyler open his presents when Ty was having a meltdown. ( Oh and Erin, we have read the sticker book a MILLION times.)

His birthday cake was Mickey Beach and they were great cupcakes. He got to pick it out himself and has asked for a birthday cake all weekend. Luckily there were some left over so we could hand it on over.
Today, he had cupcakes at school with Mickey Mouse toothpicks and stickers for his friends. Later we had a play date with Hope Kids and had a wonderful time.
Tomorrow, the CIRCUS. Tyler has talked about it all DAY. He even had a meltdown on the way home from the play date. He wanted to go to the Circus. The tickets include a preshow on the floor with the performers. I hope that it goes well but we are SOOO excited.
How cute is he in those Mickey Ears... Love all the pics and am so glad he was so thrilled with his presents and birthday.. Enjoy the circus Tyler you will have a blast
Lots of fun going on. I love the ears picture!
So cute!! Glad he had such a good birthday and fun at the circus!!
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