Thursday, April 8, 2010

A trip to the Grocery store

The other day on my "FTYM" days ( fake it till you make it) we headed out to McDonald's and then went to the grocery store. We didn't go to the typical grocery store ( aka Walmart) we needed a better quality meat and a leg of lamb. So we headed to Macey's.
( In case you were wondering I ♥ Macey's)

So we got as we got there I decided to REALLY turn it educational for the Toot!
We started at the meat case.
He saw the full trout. I told him what it was, showed him the sign and he said " ISH."
I told him that he was right it was "F...ish" and proceeded to tell him that we EAT and CATCH fish. Gotta teach him the truth right!

Next up!
I asked him what a Cow said. He said "MOO" in his really low voice and I clapped and Said " YES! A cow. The red stuff is COW! And Cow is YUMMY."
He proceeded to say "good" by his good noise and I realized there were people next to us!

We moved on to the Lamb.
You guessed it. We sang Mary had a little Lamb and Ty said " Baa" and I said YES!!
And proceeded to have him put the Lamb in the cart and said we were having Mary's lamb for dinner!

We went through the store and we found a butterfly net. He was TRYING so hard to catch the butterflies that just happened to be only visible to the blind kid! He LOVED it.
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Next up we went to the produce section. The oranges and the fruit smelled SOOOO Good. He was walking up to EVERYTHING and putting his face right next and I would tell him what it was.
The Produce dude was a little older and asked me if he had a vision problem, to which I answered yes.
He asked us to stay there for a minute and he came back with an open Orange, Mango, tangerine and plum and a few other random fruits.

Tyler LOVED it. He smelled them and licked them and the man was SO amazing with him. He loved it and loved all the fruit and smiled and shook the man's hand.
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Sorry about the quality. They were taken on my phone.

I think Macey's fruit man did a wonderful job of making my kids trip to the grocery store the BEST EVER!

Did I mention I ♥ Macey's!?


Nicky said...

Tell Ty to enjoy the citrus foods for Aunt Nicky! Oh how I wish I could eat oranges some days.. they smell SOOO good!!

Amber said...

What a FUNtastic day!!!! I'm glad Ty had such an enjoyable time at the store. It sure is great when people are like that produce guy. SLY!!!!

Nicole said...

I love this story! These are the kind of moments that mean the world to me with my son. People who care and can look past the disability and make his day just a little bit better!

Unknown said...

How awesome is that.. we don'thave a macy's near here. which bites..