I fight because Tyler and millions of other babies shouldn't have to.
Prematurity is the leading cause of Death of American newborns. Those who do survive often have life long challenges.
They fight everyday.
Tyler was born at 25 weeks and 3 days into my pregnancy.
94 days before he was suppose to. That means he fought for 94 days to live so that we could take him home. But the fighting hasn't stopped since.

He fought through a Patent Ductus Arteriosis, Grade 3 and 4 brain bleeds, Chronic lung disease, Retinopathy of prematurity, PVL, Cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus and craniosynostosis. He has been shunted, endured countless hours of therapy, bracing, brain surgeries, heart surgery, Skull reconstructions and low vision. All because he has had to fight. All because he came 94 days before he was suppose to.
I fight because every day we struggle with food, sensory processing, cerebral palsy, high muscle tone, no words. Every day I fight to help him lead a life that is less challenging. Everyday I try to do one thing that would make his world easier.
Everyday I try to tell our story so that ONE mom never has to feel the guilt I feel for not making it those 94 MORE days.

I fight so no mother has to wonder what she did to hurt her baby.
I fight so no mother has to question whether support should be withheld.
I fight to get accommodations made so that Tyler can be a participant in EVERY activity!
I fight because Tyler can't.
He has his own battle to fight. He is a hero. He is fighting every day. He attends those therapies that we take him to, he listens day in and day out at the boring letters and words he hears trying to get him to speak. He fights everyday to put one foot in front of the other with out falling, all because those 94 days he came to early left him with Cerebral Palsy. Everyday he fights.

I fight to help others understand that we need accommodations made so he can enjoy life to the fullest. I fight to find ways to help his processing disorder be a happy place instead of a lonely one.
I fight because of EVERY MEDICAL ADVANCE and ever MODERN DAY MIRACLES we can't figure out a way to keep a women pregnant LONG enough to save these babies from disability and death.
We have put a man on the moon for Pete' sake. We have found water on the moon. We are transplanting organs into children and adults, yet we STILL can't find a way for a woman to give her child a FULL 40 weeks of pregnancy to SAVE HER CHILD from a life of disability.
I fight because I love a preemie.
I fight because he is mine. And he deserved nine months. And I keep fighting because he deserves the best.

I fight because I want my next child to have NINE MONTHS
I fight because I am raising a miracle.
I fight, so he doesn't have to!
We fight so THEY don't have to.

Please, support us in your blogging and face book status and twitter messages. Fight4preemie so they don't have to! We would especially like to see our family out there showing their support for the Miracle that happened in their life on Sept.21st and who every single day shows courage to be the best Tyler he can be!
FIGHT....... Because they can't
What a fabulous post... keep on fighting your miracle and all the others (I have twins born at 29 weeks) deserve us to fight as hard as we can!!
thank you for sharing your fight Nancy. Tyler is an amazing kid and you and Dallas are amazing parents. dont you ever forget that!
Nice photos...
I fight for kids like Ty so they can be part of sport and activities like judo... I fight for their pride and well being to educate others to never make fun of a disabled person, so a child like Ty will ever have to hear the cruel words I did while in school...
I am the mom to two preemies, who continue to fight, 4 and 11 years later. As it sit at the hospital bedside of my youngest, I am reminded that the true definition of determination is held in the hearts and spirits of these early arrivals, and it is their strength that urges us on. In the name of Brigid, and Reggie, Ty and every other fighter out there, I will not give up the fight.
We are so happy to have Tyler in our lives. We love to see him tottle over to us and hand us a ball. We remember how excited he was playing basketball with Grandpa, clapping his hands and squealing everytime he made the basket, then handing him the ball again. He is so curious and great. Love you, Tyler!
<3 we love you Nancy and Ty!
I love it. Well written! I will probably steal I fight because babies shouldn't have to!
On behalf of the March of Dimes, thanks so much for your passionate commitment to the cause of premature babies. With the support of people such as yourself, we will ultimately achieve our goal, "One day every baby will be born healthy."
With good wishes to you, Tyler and all of your family,
March of Dimes
Fantastic post! Thanks for sharing and raising your voice!
I think you have done a wonderful job with your sweet baby boy!! You guys have come a long way and are the very strong people and Ty has a very strong will. Keep doing the wonderful job your doing and keep us all posted!
I think you have done a wonderful job with your sweet baby boy!! You guys have come a long way and are the very strong people and Ty has a very strong will. Keep doing the wonderful job your doing and keep us all posted!
Your son is BEAUTIFUL!!! What a gorgeous blessing your family has had. He is a strong fighter - and so are you. I am currently reaching out to find out ways to help babies - both those sick from being born too soon as well as those who are sick because of other conditional issues. I have followed several blogs of children who have struggled with things we take for granted. Some have passed and are now angels. I am so touched by their stories - and we all have a responsibility to see that these children and their families receive the care and love they deserve! Thank you!!
I'm lame, I totally forgot to comment/blog yesterday. Oliver spiked a fever (102.5, and it went up from there) and so yesterday was spent trying to keep him happy and vomit free.
But know that I love you and Ty, and find you and your family a source of inspiration.
Thank you for sharing the fight... HUGS to you...
your son is beautiful! what a little walking miracle and blessing that he is! an amazing post! God bless you guys!
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