~ Preemie FACT: 1 in 8 babies are born premature in the United States. Many will be to small or sick to even make it home. ~
November is Prematurity Awareness Month. In September of 2005 I started blogging so that friends and family could keep track of the roller coaster ride of prematurity we were on. I vowed from that day on that I would do my best to be an advocate AND a voice for those too tiny to do it on their own.
I will be posting our birth story a little later in the Month and most have already heard or read it. I feel it is important to share it and our story. Some times it is a negative time and most of the time it is positive. There have been so many who have run across our blog and have been filled with hope and information. I, in turn, have found so many people who are on the same journey that have filled us with hope and information.
With blogging for prematurity we hope to spread the word and provide information regarding premature infants and the struggles they face. Provide ways to keep kids healthy and to give you a glimpse into the life we live.
Challenge for the MONTH and especially for November 17th: Friends and family ( and especially family) If you have been touched by Prematurity in one way or another, please post during the month of November in honor of that preemie. Show your love and support. The more information out there the more those on the journey can feel they have some where to turn.
*If you are posting a post in Honor of a preemie, leave me a comment so we can link your blog and get the word out!*
Here is my link to your challenge, and I am making my blog public for this month, because I'd like to blog several more times about prematurity.
WAHOO!! Thanks Carly. You are on my side bar and I hope that you do have a good turn out blogging for a awesome cause!
Hey...I hadn't e mailed you to get your new blog. I am glad to be able to see it and hope that you are doing well.
We posted in honor of our sweet Lilyan!! www.dinkelmanfamily.blogspot.com
Since my blog is private, I will also be posting awareness at www.tiffanydinkelman.blogspot.com
Preemie Babies are Fighters!
what an amazing story...truly a miracle! Love you blog!
I posted in honor or little Gunner, who isn't so little anymore, a "big" preemie!
Thank you for posting about Prematurity Awareness Month and the importace of continued research into the causes of preterm birth. Together, let's make a difference!
I lost my son last summer to prematurity. He was born at 24 weeks 6 days and lived just 17 days. Here's my blog link:
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