Monday, July 6, 2009

Ty's swimming lessons..... TA DA!

This summer we changed swim schools for Ty. Last year it was a short session and was super duper expensive. I was super worried that I would find one in time. He really needs the swimming lessons. He is really good about water and he does a great job in the water. I want him to learn to swim because he can DO swimming. He is able to do all everything he wants in the water. His body moves the way he wants to in the water. And he is REALLY good at it.

We missed the last lesson because I got the time wrong. But this week we were right on time. I tried to explain to him that he would be going in alone like at school. He was fine and signed swim a few times. He understood what was going on. We got to his swim Teacher and I put Ty in and put my feet in to help him easy the separation. His teacher took him off. And the water works started.

The main instructor that was checking in the kids didn't like the idea of me staying there. She asked me to go in the main building or far enough way he couldn't see me. I was kinda sad that he was sad but other wise I understood. He is such a momma's boy.

First spin in the water with his new "coach." He seemed OK at the beginning and he was not crying yet. But then the water works...... so so sad!
This is when he realized that I was no longer sitting at the edge of the pool and boy he was not having it.

He BOLTED. He hoped right on out and the poor lady was scrambling to grab him. She was going to convince him to stay if it killed her!

Even the ducks didn't do the trick. He was still sad. I wanted to rip off my Tank top ( I had come prepared to have to get in with the dude) but I stuck it out ... and the Lady got her stuff of and decided to help him get use to it. I was super impressed.

She got Ty going. She got him out kicking his legs and relaxing just a little bit. I can't imagine that you can't feel safe with someone you don't know or can't trust. I was pretty proud of my little dude.

OK so the crying was still going on. He kept saying Mom mom. Totally broke my heart. But KNEW he would do OK.

They switched and his regular "coach" took his turn. They had him kicking and moving like he was asked to do. He was still kinda sad though.
And then.... He sat all alone on the steps when he asked and he was waiting his turn. He would clap for everyone and he " jabbered" to all of the kids. He seemed to be having a ok time. He did whimper a few more times as they took him down the pool and back but it will get better.

Tonight after a long day with our respite lady and Dallas being gone Ty and I took a shower and Dallas got him ready for bed. Ty has a love for the super sleuths. Its the newer version of Winnie the Poo. We have only found one movie ( and the musical zoo that he doesn't love) of them. But they are on Disney sometimes. Anyway, a month or so ago Dallas bought Ty a super sleuth shirt and I bought him some super sleuth Jammie's. He wouldn't wear the shirt forever but today he put it on.

He is such a happy kid MOST of the time. He is so much fun. He is smiling for his dad. His dad was snapping pictures trying to get him to do the funniest thing.

His pose getting ready to JUMP. He can jump on his own. But look at that face!

AND this is what we wanted on film. TA DA! He holds his hands out and waits for us to say TA DA! Then he claps and does it again. Jabbers to us with a full on conversation. He loves the super sleuths.

Days like today make me realize how much I am IN LOVE with the blond haired, blue eyed, bombshell that comes waddling into my room at 4 am to sleep with mom and dad. For the kisses, the hugs, the waves, the giggles. For the love, adoration and just plain unconditional love this kid has. I am so in love with him.


Jen said...

Oh those tears would've broke my heart as well! Good on you for sticking it out. He is such a cute boy!! I love the ta da picture!

Amber said...

Thoes are ALL SUCH CUTE pictures of Ty!!!! I am glad he did well towards the end of the class. I'm sure he will do much better next time. He is SOOOOO FUNNY (where does he get that from)when he is acting out Super Sluths. I will have to look for that show. SLY!!!