Friday, July 10, 2009

Procrastination. That is my middle name.

I have a problem. A big one. It comes to head about RIGHT NOW. I have procrastinated away Tyler's summer. Though I feel he has come a LONG way things were just starting to roll and now. GONE.

Before school was over we had tons of plans. Plans of summer school, vacations, lazy days by the pool and most of all mom time galore.

What we got? Swine flu, vacation and no days by the big pool just days of swimming lessons and little pool.

Yesterday I got Ty's school schedule. We are following the same schedule we did last year. He goes three days a week ( like last year) and in the morning. Again, just like last year. BUT they are starting earlier and coming home by 11:15. Which is good and bad. See, I like to sleep in. He likes to get up early. I like to go back to bed, 11:15 isn't enough sleep. Oh well.

Second procrastination problem: Ty has been scheduled 2 times this summer for braces. One was the week of an appointment that we had not realized we double booked. Time #2 was the DAY I wrecked the car. Then we went on vacation and got the swine and now it is the end of the summer.

Monday we are getting casted for braces, he is getting his new AFO's and he is NOT going to be happy. Hopefully he is going to be good and OK with them when school starts.

#3 procrastination problem: Ty needs new glasses. They take a week to get them in. I haven't made an appointment. Now this is not to be confused with the fact he sees a eye doc every few months. That would only be convenience now wouldn't it. Oh no this is separate. You see the doc doesn't " do" glasses. He just makes Ty cry, scream and yell and sends me on my way. This is where we get our prescription but yet another visit to another place actually allows us to order glasses. Oh and did I mention. Not fully covered. I love LOVE out of pocket expenses.

Guess on Monday I will call and make my appointment and order ME some glasses and Ty some to.

#4 procrastination problem: School clothes. Thought I am usually super frugal with clothes and clothes buying. Given our short time frame ( of which I KNEW about.) I might not get to be a frugal Fanny and might just have to bite the dust and not buy ALL on clearance. Which leads to another beef. I don't want to spend any more money... we just bought a car for Pete's sake ( which we LOVE and think is amazing) Gahh!! Oh well... Wardrobe needs very little replenishing but a little boy must have new clothes for school right.

#5 problem: My house is a mess. Yes I know there is only 3 of us. But frankly, I suck at housekeeping. With Running from place to place and therapy, swimming lessons and feeling less like myself this week I am running a little low on the ambition department. With all the above procrastination problems we have no ( or very little) clean clothes. And a big week ahead of us. Oh and did I mention I have a respite person but have YET to stay home and RESPITE and clean etc. Oh well. We did get a really nice car this week!

#6: I have 3 photo shoots including a wedding that has over a thousand photos to go through and yet I would rather read my book ( thank you Jodi Picoult) hang with Ty and NOT clean my house. Oh and go to bed early. Did I mention I am not feeling myself the last few days.

I think you get the procrastination problem. Since starting back working as a full time mom I find that " I will do it tomorrow" is the name of the game. The kisses are worth all the money in the world. The idea that he is going to school and learning is enough to be thankful for.

I guess I need to get some ambition and not procrastinate the day of my motherhood and get to work. We can't wait to see what the new school year has in store! Oh and .. we are getting water therapy. AND we are meeting the teacher the DAY of botox. Hmmmm.... BUSY BUSY to start school .


Beth schell said...

wow... I hate those days of more to do than seems possible. You can do it! Just turn on some loud music, dance around, clean for 30 minutes and then take a rest! (And of course, get a kiss from Ty!)

Melissa said...

I am in the same boat. Some days I just DON"T WANT TO DO IT. I haven't found a great solution to the problem... other than it just gets to that point and you sigh and figure unless you are willing to go clothesless you must do laundry. Good times.

sweets said...

Wow busy busy. I have the same problem I have to get chandler in for an eye apt and dentist I just have a hard time getting it dune. I understand.

Amber said...

I LOVE procrastination too, but then I also HATE having to rush to get things done. I wish there was a balance between being lazy and being productive!!!!!

carly said...

We share the same middle name! Summer is worse than the rest of the year for me. I had a list from last summer of all the things I was going to do with Wesley, places I was going to take him, etc. and we sleep and watch tv instead because it's hot outside.

Too bad you don't see Dr. Cassidy for eyes...he was so fantastic with Wesley...glasses were frustrating to me until I had to buy hearing aides...ugh

Jesmi said...

Personally i like this site there are a lot of site that say do this! and do that! we are procastinators!!!!