Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Our newest addition!

We are announcing our newest edition in FASHION. On a blog!

She is BEAUTIFUL. She even saves the environment. No names picked yet but Oh is she a beauty.

HERE SHE IS! ( better pictures to come tomorrow.)

Her special featured include blue tooth, hand controls. NO KEY! Just a power button. Yeah... that is cool. Its all cool. Sometime I think I should try to drive it.


Diana said...

Wow!! Very nice! Congrats!

ThePreemie Experiment said...

Be brave... get your tush in the car and drive it!

Steph said...

Fun...I love new cars, but HATE HATE HATE shopping for a car. Black Arizona....did you forget for a second where you live?

nancy said...

They didn't have much of a selection in that style/level of a car. And really in 115 NO car is not hot!

Jen said...

How fun!!

Amber said...

NICE RIDE!!!!! You should name her Black Beauty, the name fits!!! SURE LOVE YA!!!!