Saturday when we were finishing up getting ready to go Ty got a fever that came on very fast. We noticed him being fussy and gagging. Since he doesn't talk and I can tell what is up I asked for a blessing and off we went to the airport. By the time we boarded the plane he was throwing up. Lucky for me he was pretty pleasant and didn't scream the whole way. We got the text from Dallas' mom about the flu and headed into his peds. They tested him and he was negative with a list of possible reasons and a script for tamiflu.
He threw up throughout the night and the next day he had a nasty fever of 102. He would just lay on the floor and cry. He was very sick. He got the tamiflu but he would puke it back up. He slept in our bed the first 2 nights. The early morning of day 3 his fever finally broke. By this time I realized that I was now sick. I had a horrible cough with a fever. I felt awful. I called our doc to see about tamiflu for me and Dallas given that we were all exposed at this point and I had to have a appointment.
My appointment came and I was given albuterol treatments because I sound like my mom and wheeze like a 2 pack a day smoker. Tamiflu was given and no test was run because of our exposure. The doc said at this point people have it who are testing negative and given our exposure to a positive test we needed the meds. He gave some for Dallas. By the time I got home Dallas had symptoms. He was sick to his stomach. ( I was sick to my stomach on Saturday but chalked it up to nerves of flying with a sick kid) He was coughing and he had a fever. He was in bed most of the day yesterday.
I got the house cleaned up yesterday so we are not reinfecting each other. Ty is mostly better with a cough now and a again. Dallas and I need a day were we get to sleep all day and feel better. We feel horrible.
I am not feeling a ton better and we are having a horrible time getting better. This is no fun. We have canceled everything we can and have pretty much stayed inside. We are so not cool with this swine flu thing.
So there is the long version...... come back soon. Bring a mask and stay awhile
you're funny even when you're down. i've got my mask! =]
hope you all are 100% better soon.
lots of hugs to you and ty and I hope you both get better soon !
I hope you both get better soon !
YIKES!!!!! That is AWFUL!!! I didnt think you could be sicker then when we were companions. You were SICK for at least 4 days and then it took you about another 4 or 5 days for you to get completely over it. I'm sorry you have all been so sick!!! I put your name o the prayer roll in the temple today. Hopefully you will feel better soon. SURE LOVE YA!!!
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