Last Thursday I had the (un)fortunate opportunity to make a quick visit to the dentist. I chose the dentist I did because he was just up the street. Well due to overhead costs and less patients coming in he went out of business. NOT KIDDING! But he tried super hard to find an office to work in. So I drove. Not far but I still had to think a head of time. Got a root canal done. They didn't offer nice gas like Dr. Mckell offered but I survived and got it done. BUT the bite is off. Can't tell till the numbness comes off so I have been dealing with a owie tooth. I had an appointment today to fix the bite but, well more on today as we go.
On Wednesday we noticed that Ty was acting of. Meaning he was mean and ornery and throwing way more tantrums and what not. Dallas put him in bed and he slept for 3 hours. We had to wake him up. We didn't think anything about it.
I purchased Dallas some tickets to go to see the Star Trek movie for Thursday. I had the dentist appointment, got Dallas off to see the movie and still had an incredibly crabby little dude. He didn't even want a bath. I got him off to bed and finished cleaning up the house. Around Midnight on Thursday is when Ty woke up not feeling well. He had a small fever and didn't want to sleep alone so he came in with me. He was not a happy camper. He was way off and I was a nervous wreck .
To those stumbling across my blog when I mean off I mean like shunt malfunction off. Because of our most recent "bout" of malfunctions I am way way over the top crazy about something being wrong. I know this. I know I can't help it. Some of the signs and symptoms of shunt malfunction include:
Lethargic- check
Irritability- Check
Headache- can't really tell ya since he doesn't talk
doesn't want or can't be consoled- check, he didn't want me to hold him
Full fontanelle- we don't have any
Ok, so now I am on high alert. I voice my concern to Dallas who agrees something is wrong but we both agree lets not jump on the shunt bandwagon to fast. I call the neurosurgeon and take Tyler in for a nap with Dallas. I shower, and decide to lay down and take a nap as well. Around 1 Ty stars whining. We had just gotten off the phone with the neurosurgeon office and they said if he starts vomiting come to the ER.
There is the last sign Vomiting. I go crazy. I know that it is his shunt and I am freaking out. I call the office again and have them be ready for us.
The post here shows my frustration of the ER. So I won't make you read it again. I feel bad that it took us so long but man... it really stunk. After they finally gave him fluids they let him drink some sprite soda. He downed 2 of them and a cup of ice. Discharge instructions said to come back if he puked. He puked on the way home. NO WAY was I about to take him back. If his head wasn't broken let the kid puke at home.
Saturday was a day full of Ty not feeling well and him feeling BETTER. It was nice to see him come back to be ok. It was hard to get him to eat anything. Because he had thrown up on the way home all over me we dumped him in the shower at midnight, got him out, half dried him and threw him in my bed. I always felt better sleeping in my moms bed when I was sick so there he stayed. He was in an out of sleep but we were all able to get a little bit of sleep.

He was up bright and early Sunday and Dallas was nice enough to allow Ty to hang with him. I got Ty some breakfast and some juice and turned on a movie. I was able to sleep in and Dallas and Tyler gave me a really nice certificate for a massage.
Monday we seemed to be back together. He was feeling better, I was feeling better. I felt rested. Well Dallas hated Monday. He would much rather be home with us working from home than in the office. But I got the house cleaned and all of our laundry done and folded and put away. So excited that Dallas is going to be working from home on Tuesday. I even made rice krispie treats.
Tuesday..... BOO on me. Ty and I were running late. We called therapy and let them know. We got there and our sweet music girl no longer is working there so we were transitioning to another one, so the few moments I have to browse Target, or the grocery store or the sitting at jack in the crack was null. I needed to be there for transition. Ty did fabulous. Therapy was great.
On the way home I thought it would be a nice gesture to get us all burgers. Yes Healthy I know. But it was something I could do and we all would enjoy it. So we headed to the exit that gets us right there. I go through the light and wait for 4 cars to pass so I can make a left handed turn. I check both ways and ahead to make sure we can make it and I go. Almost there I get hit by a car. On the passenger side where my sweet baby is at. Luckily it was on the wheel and not his door. I freaked. I asked him if he was OK. He looked at me and smiled and went back to reading his book. Looking around to see what was going on.
I then got out and didn't see any stirring in the other car. She was on her cell phone. Finding that odd, I truly think she was on her cell phone the whole time cause she never got out of her car. Anyway, I notice leaking fluid from the Jeep, I run back grab Tyler, grab my cell phone, call 911 and another witness has all ready called. Not the lady on her cell phone mind you. The guy was Mexican and wouldn't wait around to make a statement. I called Dallas and the police got there. They sent us in to burger king because it is 98 degrees outside and Ty is little and they wanted to keep him cool. So I missed all the running about. But what little bit I did get the lady was freaking out because she didn't have her license, etc. Well that is the least of your worries sweetie.

Anyway, Dallas gets there, shoots a few pictures. ( I had the wrong setting set up for him because I was not expecting him to take any photos without me being there to change it but I was so glad he grabbed it) and then we were done.
I got a ticket for failure to yield which was a given when I was making a left turn. I am hoping that lady got a speeding ticket and distracted driving but I don't know. The speed limit was 35 and the freaking tire came off the rim. and her momentum kept her going almost hitting a pole.. So 35 miles.. my foot. Either way I didn't see her. And we hit.
So, Wednesday.. What can you possibly bring? ENT appointment at ten and trying ti fit in going to the dentist so that I am not in pain all the time. Dallas with no car and me feeling sad just makes for a long week.
BUT there is some pretty little flowers in my yard finally. I hate the landscaping but it made me smile.

Oh and at the end of the day. Tyler, me and Dallas are fine. We are all well and in the same house. I feel safer here. I feel safer with my baby by me. I feel safer with Dallas around. I love them so much.
glad you were both ok, how scary. I noticed with all the chaos to write about you didn't mention Mothers Day. I hope you had a nice, relaxing one with your family. Your little boy is adorable!
Oh my goodness Nancy! How do you do it all? I am glad Ty is feeling OK, but that is still scary! I hope your jeep comes back soon!
I liked how after the wreck you asked Ty if he was ok and he smiled and went back to reading his book :) I'm glad you guys are ok!
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