Saturday, May 2, 2009

Dad, a book?

( Ty signing blanket)
I have written a million times about Ty and his communication. Most of it is when it is frustrating and something bad went on and I can't communicate with my son. Then sometimes it is just cute.

This morning during out sleep time Ty was with his dad. He found a Little Einsteins book and got Dallas attention and signed dad. Normally, Ty just signs dad when we ask him and not for any real purpose Today we had purpose. In fact all day we had purpose. He signed Dad when he wanted to watch a movie in Dad's office. He signed Dad at dinner when he wanted his dad's attention.

He tries so hard to say words. We tell him what everything is. I am sure if someone overheard us they would hear " Rock, Rock can you say ROCK" or " Light light can you say light." All of them he uses the same sound. But he is trying. Huge in the world of speech.

Some and old/new signs/gestures we are now seeing:
playing of the piano ( which he can also show and point to us correctly what a piano is in a book)
playing the violin ( again correctly identifying it in a book)
all done
little Einsteins ( they buckle their safety belt so we know what he wants when he does that)
Barney ( he does the same sound for barney)

I know there are more but I am forgetful tonight.

He is doing a lot more pretend play and is having a blast watching and trying to understand the whole reflection idea. He knows it is himself and when we ask him to say hi to the other Tyler he does. He was chasing himself in the mirror with his dad tonight at the shoe store.IMG_1905



He is so well tempered. We are really lucky to have such a great kid. He makes us so happy and we are so incredibly blessed to have him. So many miracles we have seen. He is who he is.


Amber said...

Ty is learning a lot. Maybe he can teach me some signs.

Nicky said...

Ty is so smart Nancy. He knows what he wants. I wish I could be around him more and he could teach me things.