Before I called Transportation freaking out, I logged online and checked the school calendar. Just maybe I missed a short day or something. BUT, low and behold, school was out on break because of Easter.
At first I was a little mad till I realized that it just made it better for me. Now I HAD to get up and get going. Me and Ty made our grocery list and priced matched almost everything on it. I got myself all ready to get out the door and we headed off to walmart.
While we were at Walmart we dropped Dallas Jeep off to get serviced and somewhere between there and the grocery part we lost our list. I was so mad. I had to go off memory and that also meant I wasn't going to be saving a lot because I couldn't remember all the price matches.
We went about shopping and headed home. We didn't want to be late to the eye doc. His office staff is, well, less than nice about you being late. We grabbed a burger for Ty and headed to the office. Our appointment was at 1:00 and we got there about 12:40. The doors were still locked. The office staff stood there, laughing, as we tried the door. We went and sat down and 3 other patients came and waited with us. All of us had 1:00 appointments. Weird.
As we were talking to the Eye doc we got Tyler's eyes dilated. Because of his increased ROP and advanced stages of the disease we are always at increased risk for retina detachment. Ty is watched very close. We discussed a few things and the doc just watched Ty interact with me and relax a Little. We were then sent out to the waiting room for our ten minute wait.
While sitting there the office staff was yelling at someone who was 15 minutes late for their appointment when half of the waiting room had appointments 20 minutes earlier that hadn't been seen soon. They are a horrible staff. I have left and found new docs for better staff.
Anyway, we get called back in and we discuss the what ifs of getting this exam. If he wasn't able to get it we would get with Ty's ENT and do a combined exam. Lucky for us, Ty was as cooperating as much as he would. He was screaming, kicking and gagging. But we got what we needed.
His Nystagmus is getting better and as he uses his eyes more he gets null zones or places where his movement stops. As he gets a little bigger and we get his shunts more stable we will look at surgery to help fix this movement. ( Our friend Lucy just had it done by the same doc.) We also looked at what would be better for Tyler as far as school environments and preschool programs.
Dr. S and I think it would be a awesome idea for Ty to at least try the foundation for the summer program. If all goes well we might look at the foundation for preschool next year. They run longer hours and more times a week. They are more specialized to work on his vision along with all the rest.
Overall his prescription hasn't' changed. He will be getting the same type of glasses for next year. Might need to go look at new ones. I hate his current pair.
He threw a few really good temper tantrums on Friday and also went and picked out his cousin Morgan's birthday present. I am always bad about mailing things so we are working on EARLY for her, late for her mom.
He picked a book and when we got home he shared it with his dad only to throw the worst tantrum we have seen in a while. Poor kid just can't get his point across some days.
Saturday we had some bad news about my grandpa Rue. He is sick and needs to be in the hospital. We are hoping that as the week goes on he can get better and his lungs can recover and he can be back up and going. We are praying for my mom and her sisters to have Comfort.
Today was Easter and we have a MILLION pictures and I have a whole post waiting for the pictures to go with it. So stay tuned tomorrow.
But for now... a preview

Ty was signing more because all of his eggs were in the colors and he LOVED it. Wait till you see the rest.. He was in dirty heaven.
Very cute! :)
That is wonderful that Ty's eyes are getting a tad bit better. I hope it continues. I can not wait to see the pix of Tyler and his easter eggs. I hope your Grandpa gets better soon. SURE LOVE YA!
Just found your blog. Your son is adorable... and all my best. :)
you have got such a sweet boy.
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