I think it just feels like the icing on the really yucky cake sometimes. Most of the time the cake is pretty good. In fact most of the time it is fabulous. But every now and again the cake has a bitter nasty place. Take a bite but then stop cause it tastes yucky. Soon it will be back to YUMMY.
Along with bad days come just the crappy stuff that puts you over the edge. You know, the stuff that when you bite the bitter and the icing is there and makes you cry. A lot of that happened today to. The eye specialist we see for Ty is very hard to get into. After his last shunt surgery I called to get in because we have to have baselines after major brain changes. Well they couldn't get us in any sooner than the appointment we have had set up for six month so I waited patiently. No biggie.
I called last week to double check the appointment and they called yesterday to confirm we were coming. Told them yes. Today we get a call letting me know that they needed to have it CANCELED. I was like OK why? Thinking if the doctor was sick no biggie. Well apparently in the 3 calls and six month wait the referral expired YESTERDAY. If I didn't get a referral in to them by the appointment I would not be seen. Um we had a pediatrician appointment on TUESDAY. A little notice that I would need another referral would be fabulous. it wouldn't have been a big deal at all TUESDAY.
An appointment that I have on Tuesday of next week also needs a referral (which isn't a problem since my doc was sending me there) and the specialist that we are seeing needs some of my past medical records. I call to verify that the insurance referral was sent and that everything was done. She calls back (after telling me it was all set) telling me that I need to come in and sign a release for my medical records. I was thinking " If you are referring me and I am walking out of YOUR office don't you think you would have me sign YOUR release form?"
No big deal right. Well I had respite today and she didn't come. Didn't tell me she was not coming so I waited all afternoon to run errands. These errands included buying diapers. Kinda a needed thing in a house of a none potty trained 3 year old. Oh and the laundry soap to stop his rash.. yeah needed that to. Dallas was nice enough to deal with the said amazing 3 year old so I could run over, sign the papers and get the needed items.
So now I sit in a quiet house, editing some pictures and loving how sweet Tyler is and how amazing Dallas is. They are so what I need at the end of the day. I couldn't ask for anything better........

Except...... I entered a contest a few weeks ago during Cerebral Palsy awareness week and won. The goods came in the mail. Took Pictures for you all to see.

AND I totally scored the coolest shoes at Walmart last night. I decided that EVERYONE is getting a pair for their birthday this year.

And how could the day really be THAT bad when you walk in from your errands and see THIS!!!

1 comment:
i definitely need those shoes!
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