Friday, November 21, 2008

Twinkle Twinkle....... TWILIGHT SAGA

So I was reading the Twilight series before it was cool. I admit to my love affair with Edward. I admit to waiting for the next book with anticipation. I admit that I bought a pre-released copy of Breaking Dawn.

I am also admitting to buying premiere tickets and attending the midnight showing of the much acclaimed love affair with Edward. What I was NOT expecting was the humor I found in attending.

My brief review of the movie : (Since some have not yet seen it)

(My friend Erin gave a wonderful review that got her SHUNNED so please pray for her)

I liked the movie. I really did. I thought it was a good movie. It ran a little long and I thought that they did a good job following the book. It was darker than I thought it would be but overall I would recommend it. (I plan to have a discussion with EVERYONE after they have seen it)

Now the humor:

I got there and walked in to the Theatre where I witnessed the largest amount of mini vans in one location than I have EVER seen in my life.
Picked up my tickets to walk into the foyer to a wide array of TEAM CULLEN and I love Edward attire.
There was more men that I Thought there would be. However, one was snoring in the row behind us.
The most pants peeing conversation I heard was while waiting in line to get a cherry coke.

Here is the story. A women/ group of women that were friend in their ward came together. They were talking about how wonderful the books were and how in love with Edward they have become. They were talking about how as they read the story they were getting 'Horny" and their husbands told them they needed to read their scriptures.

Immediately I think back to Chantel and her posting about seriously so blessed. Did you know that those words and acronyms were used in sentences tonight. I heard those acronyms ALOT. I didn't know they existed in real life.
The end.... women.... GROWN women ... GROWN MARRIED women were crying at the end of the movie.

Some left totally infatuated with Edward. I left wishing I could have taken a million photographs at the locations they were at. And curious how they are going to fit the next 3 books into a movie... 3 movies...2 movies....

I then left the parking lot following all 900 women in my ward driving their mini vans home! I was left out. I am not a mini van owner.

NOW home. What do I think... I think you should see it. Beware of the glitter, wish for diamonds and give Jacob a chance. I think A twist would rock!


Jenny Krueger said...

I saw the midnight showing and I was dissapointed. It was good but wasnt all that great as I thought it'd be. Kristen Stewart's (Bella) was terrible and they left out a lot and added things that wasn't there but all in all I do reccomend it mostly cause Rob Pattinson is bangin! lol

Josephine said...

I'm afraid I was even more disappointed than I thought I would be :( I thought they changed much more than they needed to, and was disappointed with most of the characters... I'm still glad I went to see it though, but the book is definitely much much better