Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thoughts needed!

Tyler had a few hearing tests this week and he didn't do so hot. OK, lets be honest he failed them both. I didn't even know they were doing it. We got the news that he failed during our nap time and I didn't get a chance to actually see or read the paper.( They forgot to send it home.)

I, of course FREAKED out and called back to the teacher as soon as I got the message. She wasn't there so I immediately called his pediatrician and checked to see if they did hearing tests there. We are able to get in Thursday right before we head to music therapy.

I wouldn't be such a worry wart about it except we have hearing loss on one side of the family and kidney issues on both sides of the family. Since kidney growth and hearing go hand in hand AND we don't have words and vocabulary we acted fast.

Another "down" for the day. The surgical center that was scheduled to do the dental work on Tyler decided that he was to "complex" for their anesthesiologist to work on. So we are out of options with our current Dentist. Our dentist lady ( Casey is her name) recommended another one that is in the city and has privileges at PCH so it looks like we are going there.

On Friday we go to Shriner's in the morning. We are scheduled at ten but last year we were there for HOURS. So who knows how long it is going to take.

So, any extra thoughts would be VERY nice. Send good vibes to Tyler and his hears. Hopefully, it is just a fluke or something we can fix!


Jen said...

Sweet Nancy, my thoughts are with you all!!

carly said...

Wesley failed hearing tests time and time again...including his most recent for Kindergarten. Could be fluid in the ears, many things. Don't stress =)

Nicky said...

i have hearing probs.. it's called.. selective hearing.. hope that makes you happy! :)