Some people call her *peanut*, Sticky, Poo Poo, Stinky butt, Nicky the girl and when we can convince one of kids to call her NINI she will be all set. But none the less it is her birthday today.
Some amazing things that we love about Nicky
1. She doesn't like School buses. Especially ones numbered 911. She tends to hit them with her car. * despite the joke she was VERY lucky that she leaned over or she would not be here to laugh about it*
2. She is the only person I know that didn't need to unzip a size 0 dress for junior prom.
3. She is very caring and is willing to do almost anything to help.
4. When I was in labor, my mom called Nicky to let her know I was having Tyler. Because it was so early Nicky thought my mom was kidding. Nicky was living in Provo and she had taken sleeping pills. She had her roomates bring her up and she went from LDS hospital to The U waiting for this baby to come. ( the docs couldn't make up their minds where we were going) She waited all night and finally sometime after 2 or 3 am Ty was admited to LDS and Nicky was able to see this little guy.
5. After having Ty I had some major complications that included a nurse coming to my house 2 times a day. A few times the nurse couldn't come. She had made sure that someone was trained to do what she did. Well, Nicky was one of them. Now, let me explain this wound. It was DEEP and it was in a *private* place. There was no way to sheild the *private place* from view. So here was my little sister dumping saline in my wound and shooting me up with lydocaine in hopes I wouldn't beat her up * it hurt like hell* all the while my * private place* was open to her. Sad... I have no secrets. ( I was also pumping during that time so she has seen ALLLLLL my private places. POOR Nicky!!
6. Nicky came up to the hospital all the time. Even during the times that she could only LOOK at Tyler. BUT the day that I told her he was able to be held. I am almost sure she dropped everything to come over to PCMC and hold him. I got him out of his warm *condo* and put him in her arms. She was crying so I had to warn her that he was VERY light. She asked for a pillow. She felt like she was holding just blankets. She just sat there Looking at this little boy.

7. She has saved my sanity LOTS of times. There were times Tyler wouldn't stop and I needed a break and fast. She would come and sit there and play with him even when she knew he was going to cry the whole time.
8. She calls when she needs a buddy. Ty is more than willing to say I love you and blow kisses and quack like a duck for her. He laughs and *Fake laughs* for her everyday.
9. Last but no least. She is my sister. I have some pretty great sisters if I do say so my self. She will make someone a great wife and for sure a mother. She will find the person she will marry and that warm bread and Jam will be waiting for them. What a great person.

Happy birthday NICKY POO!!!

thank you so much Nanc.. It really means a lot.. really it does.. thanks so much for everything. You have done so much for me that I could never repay you, that's why I'm always willing to help out with Ty. Thanks for the sweater, it is so cute! I miss my little buddy! I told mom to just pack him away in her suitcase and bring him home, so if he shows up missing, I don't know what happened ;) Ty really does make my day. I know if I have a bad day, I can call him and just hearing him laugh puts a smile on my face. Thank you guys so much! Wish I could see you guys, but I understand! I love you guys!
You are so lucky to have such a wonderful sister! She sounds like an amazing person.
And I didn't like your comment on my blog! Don't stop coming to visit me! I'll try not to make you cry anymore. In fact, I will post one that will make you laugh and laugh, tonight. Look for it in a few hours, after I put some little people to bed!
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