We got there right on time and met with the owner of the office. The office is called The orthotic specialists. He was very nice and he explained what we needed to do and watched Ty walk and crawl. Then came the hard part... The casting. Or so I thought. I brought Dallas along with me. He was so helpful and Ty LOVES his dad. He loves his dad's iPhone to. He put on a movie for him and he did so well. He didn't cry while they put them on and fussed just a tiny bit. He did so well.
We decided to do regular white ones and not decorated ones. We will get them in a week and a half.
Here are the pictures!!!

The cast is on and he is content watching Baby Einstein on his dads IPhone.

While casting his foot needed to be at a 90 degree angle. Usually isn't a problem unless he is REALLY angry or REALLY happy!!

Cutting it off... He was not sure about the scissors at all!

The end result. They will make the molds from these casts. Cool huh!

And yes... my kid is a junkie. I don't mind. It helps on those really long waiting days.
The good news is they said with the AFO's that Ty will be much more stable and his tendon should stretch quickly. They also don't think he will be in them long. We will start out only at night and move to time in the day as needed.
A special thank you to those who donate to Shriner's. If you read my blog you know my LOVE for these people. I don't think they know of their impact.
And a special thank you to Dallas. I really needed his support. Getting braces for Tyler has been really hard for me. I can't imagine doing it without him. I was so glad that he was able to come. I had a wonderful time and I am so glad that he is my husband and Ty's dad. What a great pair!!
Nancy, I am so sorry that getting the braces for Ty has been so hard on you. I completely understand... it is hard watching your baby have to experience difficult things. But I hope you know that everything Ty goes through (and you and Dallas too ) gives other strength and hope because you all do it with faith, hope, and incredible strength. You are all a wonderful example to me and I love and adore Ty and your family. I am better person because of you. I love you all!
What an amazing little boy you have.
Look at those tiny little casts. I am sure that you guys are doing the very best for Tyler by getting these braces. You are wonderful examples. I am just sad that I don't get to see him very often. Will we see you at Christmas? He is so adorable.
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