So I have not been feeling well Physically the last few months. I had an ultrasound done a month ago and they found a cyst on my ovary. It was large but not overly large so they are just watching it till the end of the month. I have been so sick this month that we moved up the appointment and went to see what options we would have. Let me tell you... they aren't really great ones. All.... ALL include mood swings, sickness and just overall blah ness!!!
Here are the three options... Medicinal menopause with a shot called depo lupron. It gives you hot flashes, mood swings and all that fun stuff that you don't want to do unless you are forced to. Sounds like fun huh!!
Second option... Have a baby. While this might sound ok to others... need I remind you of a one pound handsome little man and just how well that worked. Will it happen again? We have no idea so now on is pushing that. Not to mention how sick I actually get on that. I pee constantly, I puke all the time ( ask the spaghetti factory!!) and I a MOODY!! I don't feel well and that is for at least six months.... Then you have the what happens if you have another preemie to deal with... I can't imagine putting ANOTHER child through that.
3.. Pain management. We are all ready doing that and I a moody, sick and don't feel well.
Oh there is a 4th but finding someone to do it is next to impossible. 1) remove my "plumbing" which isn't and option if we want 1 more baby AND finding a doc to do it on someone under 30 is next to impossible. 2) laproscopy, which I have done before and would do in a heartbeat But it causes more problems when wanting to have a baby. No one would do surgery with my history and the scarring on my uterus all ready.
Nice options huh. I think we are going with the shots but I am kinda down about them. I don't want to have to go through menopause. I gain weight, I am hot ( something I have plenty of in Arizona.) and I am moody.
Why does it suck to be a girl!!!?!!!!
My two cents is to go for the baby. For one thing every pregnancy is different, second if they know your history and you stay with one doctor they will be able to watch things more closely, two the what ifs are always there regardless of when you have the baby and number three is have the baby and then remove the uterus. By the time the baby is here, if things go smoothly and you get pregnant right away Tyler will be almost 3. I guess if you don't want to do that what are the repurcussion of doing the medically induced menopause, will you be able to stop that at any time when you feel ready for a baby? can they guarantee that it will not stop you from being able to conceive? I had a harder time decided on having number two but I didn't have the problem that you have. However, if I had been told that now is the time if I wanted a second child then I probably would have done it sooner.
I also vote the baby option (but, I'm not sure how smart it is to take advice from someone who had 4 kids in just under 5 years!) :)
Because of your history, your doc will (or SHOULD) watch you MUCH closer. I'm not sure what caused your pre-term babe before ( I need to go back and read those blogs, huh?), but most reasons can be prevented or at least prolonged in future pregnancies. It may involve hospital bedrest (been there, done that), but it's amazing what you will go through with your kids. You already know that, because look what you do for your son every day! You are already an amazing Mom...I read it in your blogs. You would do just as well, with a second matter what the outcome.
What if you try one of the other methods and then have to go through the pain of not being able to conceive?
Obviously, it is your decision and no one else's. You'll have to let us know what you decide. Because I read your "Heaven on Earth" post, I will dare to ask, have you prayed about it?
(and if I am way out of line here, feel free to e-mail me and tell me to shut-up!) :)
I think the previous two comments were perfect. It is up to you and Dallas what you decide but there is some logic in chosing to have another baby.... (then be done with it). But the best thing to do is to pray about it. Both you and Dallas. I will pray for you too and ask the Lord to help ease your pain. I am so sorry you are suffering.
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